The main purpose of a desktop computer is to have a personal computer in a centralised location. Having a more powerful computer in an accessible location like an office makes up for its lack of transportability. A PC can be used for multiple things such as browse the internet, watch movies and videos and put pictures from cameras onto the PC, this allows you to view the pictures on the computer.
Games Console
Video game console's main operation is to play video games. Some can also be
used to play movies. The Xbox 360 plays DVD'S and the PS3 plays Blu Ray. Online
gaming is also another great feature of a games console. This online gaming
feature allows you to play with people all over the world. You can store music
and games on the hard drive and play the games off the hard drive without a
Mobile phone
A mobile phones main purpose is to
communicate with other people over vast distances. A mobile phone allows you to
call people and talk to them from one area to another. Another function of a
phone is that you can send messages through SMS; most phones have a limit of
characters in each message where others have no limit. Mobile phones have
advanced to touch screen technology making them more useful.
The purpose of a PDA is to make life
easier. Today's PDAs come with a host of applications such as calendars, to-do
lists, notepads and phone books. Some even come equipped with GPS systems and
telephones built in. PDAs put all of these necessities into an easily
transportable and affordable pocket sized device. With all of these
applications, a PDA would be used more so by people in business. A PDA is a
handy tool to have when you need to keep schedules.
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